Thursday, April 7, 2011

Identity Essentials

I chose to do my photos on shoes. The shoes help you visualize the type of people you in those shoes, for example, the boots with the paint on them gives you the sense of a hardworking gentlemen who is usually considered older, the dirty tennis shoes gives off the appearence of a young man that uses these shoes when doing chores such as cutting the grass. These group of shoes actually tell a summarized story or a short timeline of my own life. It contains shoes that I wore while doing chores when i was younger, the shoes i would wear to parties in highschool, shoes I wore when i would help with construction, and shoes i wear now in college.

(Old shoes used for chores)

(Boots used for working)

(Party/Going out Shoes)

(Shoes worn in Highschool)

(Everyday walkin around shoes/ photo not uploading, gonna try to upload again later)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Exquisite Corps

First off i dont believe many people understood the in class part of this but these are the poems and pictures i ended with:

Shiny Grapes Overpower Smooth Cream beautiful

Nameless Boy Imprisoned Rough Beard

Dead Snowman Playing Scented Boot Peaceful

Sontag Photo Analysis

(Highschool Senior picture)

This photo was taken to not only show how handsome i am, but to serve as a good reminder for the future of my highschool career. this photot, to me, is kinda a symbol for celebration, because graduating highschool was a great achievment for me.

I dont really know who the photographer was but he said a lot of jokes to make people smile during their pictures.

this photo is to be viewed in a yearbook and looked back at down the road of life. It brings back many memories, good and bad, from highschool.

(Nephews- Left Jamarion, Right Jaylon)

This photo was taken to remind us that no matter how big my nephews get they will always be too small playful little boys.

The relationship between the photograper and subjects is that they are my nephews and you can actually see, based on their facial expressions, which one is the sweet and kind one and which one is the bad, always gettin in trouble one.

The contex that the photo show is no matter how they act around strangers, this photo shows their true personalities. 


This photo was takin to capture a moment of celebration of friends at a toga party.

The Relationship between the photographer and subjects appear to be friendship because their all happy and sorta having a "real smile" feeling to it instead of the forced smile when a stranger is taking your picture.

the contex of this photo is so it can be viewed in the future and to remind the people in it of their fun times with old friends.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bio Map

My life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bio-map, Map of my life, career paths, homes, relationships, childhood toys, games, every decision i have ever made in my life...


For my Bio-map i went with a simple approach because i would describe my life as simple, I divided the head portion with the things i mainly think about like family, friends, video games, and fear. The map has small imperfections because i do not have a perfect life and i thought this was a good way to express that.

Project 33

Getting started

i guess the begining of this project was the day we did mark making with black india ink and twigs and brushes. We had to use view finders to cut out 33 different compositions to work with in the future...


I was proud of the way my 33 project came together and was upset that we didn't get to discuss it in class. it was rough around the edges yes, but that was how the smaller compostion i started with was, I thought the assignment was to enlarge a composition we liked, not to create an entirely new one like most people did...

111 project

Lines, Lines, Lines

111 line drawings, I think thats self explanatory. I believe we will choose a favorite from these to create a large 24in. X 24in. final piece...


I tried to paint my final 111 project but when i taped it off i guess the tape wasn't pressed down far enough because the edges weren't straight so decided to just make the lines with the tape itself, but still the T.A.'s marked it to be skipped, it wouldnt bother me if they skipped one of my pieces but skipping both doesn't make any sense. It feels like all of my hardwork was not good enough for discussion. Im still proud of my work though. it wasn't perfect I agree, but to not even discussone of my pieces is just upsetting.

Dot Composition

Friday, February 4, 2011


This assignment was a little easier than i thought it would be, we had to take 2 of our dot composition and take photos of real objects and peple to represent the dots. i have the photos of people but haven't taken photos of the dot composition themselves... (and i apologize for not having on a clean shirt :) )

Word Image

My Process

The word and image project was actually an interesting project. We had to create images using only things we could find in the newspapers. the only problem i had with this project is that i didnt divide my time wisely, we had to create to different images and i used all of my time on one. The one i spent most of my time on was a spiral of problems, stress and struggles. i used a Xacto knife to put score marks in it to show a damaged image which i believe helps with the hardships explained in the image. The other one i used the excite and contrasted with a boring background. It could have  been a lot better if i had used a better background, instead of text i should have used something like weather or stocks... Photos coming soon...

Modular Madness


I was very happy with my final product but not so much with my grade. it took me a lot of time and hard work to make my spiral tower with leaf accents. yea it had a few clumps of glue, but i would like to see someone make it look flawless... IMPOSSIBLE!!! but yea I assume it couldve been better, i give myself about an 82 versus the 77 I recieved...


At the beginning of this project i was originally going to use plastic cups but i couldnt find anyway to use them effectively. next i was going to try for paper plates, but they were plain and white and i found them boring. After seeing me struggling Bill told me about the tub of clothes pins they had laying around, i thought they were perfect. i began making a few leaf like structures and decided to stack them and make a central struture that would spiral through. I ran into a few problems with the clothes pins staying together. the size and weight of the structure kept pulling it apart. i was able to keep it together by treading the string that i used to hang it all through the central structure but i still had problems keeping some of the clothes pins shut... photos coming soon...

Photo Safari

Friday, February 4, 2011


We were asked to take photos of Rhytms, Patterns, and textures. so thats what i did hahahaha...

Cinder Block Vs. Newspaper

Thursday, January 20, 2011


This is the first assignment i recieved in W.A.S.H. We were given a stack of newspapers and glue to create sumthing to support a cinder block off the ground as high as possible. The first idea that came into my head was legs. I originally had 3 but i thought why not 4. After I put the legs together the other students in my group identified it as a rocket. I had a problem with the top half that wouldn't stay together so it didn't make it to the final outcome.

Cardboard Banana

I cant locate the picture of my final product of the famous cardboard bannana but it was awesome. it had a few flaws like some of the edges weren't as smooth as i wanted but the ends turned out perfect. i wish i had did something with the flat side to make it more like a bannana, I would give myself about an 85-90 it was could but it could've been better...

Friday, February 4, 2011

So Far...

Some time ago we recieved a project where we had to pick an object to recreate out of cardboard. i went with a banana because i think i was hungry at the time, and it didnt look to difficult... so i thought. I started by makin to curved sides to give it that natural banana'ny shape to it. hen i had to construct and nice top to it. the first top didnt really resemble a banana much so I had to tear it doen and make an entirely new top but it worked out for the better. Next i took the same method i used to create the top closure to do the same with the bottom. now the only thing really left to do is finish smoothing it out and give an aged look, because we all know bananas do not stay beautiful long...